Introducing "Fareb," a captivating new drama recently aired on Hum TV. The first episode premiered on 7th May 2023, and it has quickly garnered attention for its stellar cast and compelling storyline. The show features some of the finest stars from the Pakistani showbiz industry, and it revolves around the relationship between Sultan and Sonia. Let's delve into the details of the full cast of Fareb, including their names, pictures, and a brief overview of their characters. Prepare yourself for a remarkable viewing experience as this drama promises an enthralling tale of intrigue and betrayal.

Fareb takes audiences on an exhilarating journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Right from the very first episode, viewers are immersed in a world of deception, cunning, and manipulation. The characters navigate a complex web of deceit, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats. Each episode uncovers new revelations and unfolds unforeseen developments, ensuring that Fareb remains a gripping and riveting experience from start to finish. Brace yourself for an unforgettable ride through the captivating storyline of Fareb.

The drama airs every Sunday at 9 pm on Hum TV, beginning from its release date on 7th May 2023. For those interested, the drama is also available on Hum TV's YouTube channel. Episodes are typically uploaded on YouTube after 10 pm. To catch up on the drama, you can access the YouTube playlist of Fareb via the link provided below. Don't miss out on this extraordinary series that is bound to capture your heart and imagination.


Introducing the cast and characters of the drama "Fareb":

1.     Mirza Zain Baig as Sultan:

Mirza Zain Baig takes on the lead role of Sultan in the drama "Fareb." Sultan lives with his brother and sister-in-law and manages the household expenses. He is a prosperous businessman, unaware that his brother's wife has deceitful intentions and aims to exploit his wealth. Sultan falls in love with Zainab Shabbir's character, Sonia, and desires to marry her. However, his sister-in-law has different plans for him.


2.     Zainab Shabbir as Sonia:

Zainab Shabbir portrays the role of Sonia, Adnan Shah Tipu's daughter, in the drama. Sonia comes from a humble background and faces her father's disapproval regarding her education. Despite her father's constant scolding, Sonia begins to develop feelings for Zain Baig's character, Sultan, after he helps her. However, her father forbids her from leaving the house.


3.     Adnan Jaffar as Rafiqui:

Adnan Jaffar plays the character of Rafiqui, Sultan's elder brother, in the drama "Fareb." Rafiqui suffers from a badly injured leg due to a road accident and uses a crutch to walk. He has a contentious relationship with his sister and treats her poorly, often scolding her. Rafiqui believes everything his wife says and has a strong influence over Sultan.


4.     Maria Wasti as Shehnaz:

Maria Wasti portrays the role of Shehnaz, Adnan Jaffar's wife, and Mirza Zain Baig's sister-in-law. Shehnaz mistreats Sultan's sister and manipulates Mirza Zain Baig to maintain control over him, benefiting from his business. Shehnaz plans for her sister, Parween, to marry Sultan, enabling her to gain control of his business. She plays a negative role in the drama.


5.     Adnan Shah Tipu:

Adnan Shah Tipu is a part of the main cast and portrays the role of Zainab Shabbir's father in the drama. He neglects his children, often scolding them, and spends most of his time away from home. He disapproves of his daughter's education and wishes for her to drop out.


6.     Hiba Aziz as Rani:

Hiba Aziz plays the role of Rani, Mirza Zain Baig's sister, in the drama "Fareb." Rani is mistreated by her elder brother Rafiqui and is forced to do all the household work. She faces a lot of hardship but doesn't share her suffering with Sultan, her younger brother who takes care of her. Hiba Aziz brings a charming performance to the Fareb drama cast.


7.     Michelle Mumtaz as Parween:

Michelle Mumtaz portrays the character of Parween, Maria Wasti's younger sister, in the drama. Parween falls in love with Sultan and desires to marry him. However, Sultan doesn't reciprocate her feelings and wishes to marry someone else. Parween tries to manipulate the situation by involving her sister. She aspires to marry Sultan and gain control over his household.


Reasons to Watch "Fareb" Drama:

If you're a fan of emotionally charged dramas that delve into complex human relationships and explore the darker aspects of human nature, "Fareb" is a show you won't want to miss. This drama offers a unique perspective on themes such as jealousy, greed, and betrayal, making it a captivating choice for all drama enthusiasts.


In Conclusion:

"Fareb" is an eagerly awaited drama series that is poised to make a significant impact on the Pakistani drama industry. With its talented cast and an intriguing storyline, "Fareb" guarantees to keep viewers engrossed. The show's teasers provide a glimpse into the intense drama, intricate relationships, and emotional turmoil experienced by the characters. So, mark your calendars and prepare yourself to witness a gripping narrative of deceit, cunning, and manipulation unfold right before your eyes.