"Mayi Ri" is an upcoming Pakistani drama series set to be released on Ary Digital. Produced by Big Bang Entertainment, the drama features a talented cast including Nauman Ijaz, Aina Asif, Samar Abbas, Maria Wasti, Maya Khan, Sajida Syed, Paras Masroor, and Usman Mazhar, along with several other supporting roles. The series is written by Sana Fahad and directed by Meesam Naqvi.

The story of "Mayi Ri" revolves around a courageous journey that challenges cultural boundaries. It aims to shed light on the heart-wrenching tale of child brides. The drama tackles this sensitive issue in a compelling manner.

The anticipated release date for "Mayi Ri" is set for July 19, 2023. It is expected to replace the ongoing drama "Hook" on Ary Digital. Fans can catch all the latest episodes and videos of "Mayi Ri" online on Ary Digital's official platforms, including their YouTube and Dailymotion channels.


The cast of the drama series "Mayi Ri" includes talented actors in various roles. Here is a revised version of the cast list:

  • Nauman Ijaz in an undisclosed role
  • Maria Wasti in an undisclosed role
  • Sajida Syed in an undisclosed role
  • Paras Masroor in an undisclosed role
  • Aina Asif in an undisclosed role
  • Samar Abbas in an undisclosed role
  • Maya Khan in an undisclosed role
  • Usman Mazhar in an undisclosed role



Nauman Ijaz

Nauman Ijaz is a renowned Pakistani television personality known for his versatility as an actor, anchorperson, and show presenter. He has portrayed various roles on Pakistan Television (PTV) and is considered a senior figure in the industry. Nauman Ijaz was born on February 14, 1965, in Lahore and grew up in the Icchra town of Lahore, where he continues to reside. His father worked as a manager in a movie theatre, and his mother is a housewife. He received his early education from Cathedral High School in Lahore and went on to attend Divisional Public School in Model Town, Lahore, for secondary education. He completed his intermediate studies at Forman Christian College and obtained a Law degree from the University of the Punjab.

Noman Ijaz's career began with a small role in the PTV drama directed by Nusrat Thakur in 1988. Since then, he has appeared in numerous dramas, portraying various genres such as negative, romantic, and serious characters. One of his notable early dramas was "Nijaat" in 1993, co-starring Atiqa Odho and Huma Nawab. The drama focused on important social issues such as child labor, family planning, and early-age marriages, drawing comparisons between rural and urban women.


Maria Wasti

Maria Wasti is a Pakistani actress and television host who started her career in the late 1990s. She has appeared in numerous television dramas and films, gaining recognition and respect in the industry. Maria Wasti has also hosted several television shows and has been associated with various companies as a brand ambassador. She is considered one of the most successful and respected actresses in Pakistan.


Sajida Syed

Sajida Syed is a talented Pakistani actress known for her roles in many family drama serials, including "Mata e Jaan Hai Tu," "Bholi Banu," "Bohtan," "Shiza," and "Digest Writer." She has established herself as a prominent figure in the industry and is highly regarded for her acting skills. Sajida Syed is recognized as one of the senior actresses in Pakistan.


Aina Asif

Aina Asif is a talented Pakistani child actress and model known for her adorable performances. She gained popularity for her role as Mille in the drama serial "Hum Tum," where she portrayed the sister of Ahad Raza Mir's character. Aina Asif, with her real name, captivates audiences with her beauty and remarkable talent.

Aina Asif made her acting debut with the drama serial "Pehli Si Mohabbat," where she portrayed the younger version of Maya Ali's character. Despite having a short role, she received a round of applause for her impressive acting skills. This initial experience in the industry sparked her love for acting, leading her to pursue it further.

Aina Asif secured roles in other dramas such as "Badzaat" and appeared in "Pinjra" alongside Hadiqa Kiani and Omair Rana. However, it was her portrayal of 'Milli' in the special Ramzan play "Hum Tum" that brought her widespread recognition. The drama featured notable actors like Ahad Raza Mir, Sarah Khan, Ramsha Khan, and Junaid Khan. Aina Asif has also starred in other Pakistani dramas, including "Pehchaan" (2022), "Pinjra" (2022), and "Baby Baji" (2023).


Aina Asif has been part of several notable Pakistani dramas, showcasing her talent and versatility. Here is a list of the dramas she has appeared in:

  • "Baby Baji" (2023) as Saman
  • "Mayi Ri" (2023) in an undisclosed role
  • "Pinjra" (2022) as Abeer
  • "Hum Tum" (2022) as Maliha
  • "Pehchaan" (2022) as Hamna